About Coach Knight

Hi! My name is Callie Knight, and I teach 8th grade Cyber Foundations II. I am also the head coach for the WLMS and WLHS cheer teams. I graduated from Mississippi State University with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with a middle school concentration. I am also endorsed to teach 9-12 English, social studies, and science.
I got married in March 2023 to my best friend. My husband and I both serve in leadership roles at our church (One Church, located on Hwy 16 between Philadelphia and DeKalb), where we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus in everything we do. I pray that I am able to be a light for others no matter where I am. My faith and my family are the most important things in my life, and I don't know where I would be without them!
The Kingdom is a great place to be, and I'm thankful to call it home. #uKnighted